The Owners and Money Makers of BIM
Building Information Modeling — a rich digital model is used by the designers and the constructors for modeling a construction. It is then retained by the building owners for managing the facilities throughout their lives. Implementing BIM helps in making early clash detection, project scheduling, cost monitoring, constructability issue resolution, design coordination, drawing preparation, waste reduction, project control and as-built drawing handover. Software applications like Revit, Solibri, NavisWorks, Telka Precast and many other are used for BIM implementation in a project. A number of organizations are rendering innovative BIM services to the architectural, construction and engineering sectors. Now, who are the owners of BIM and the money makers from BIM? Let’s find out the answers from this article:
The Owners — Every building owner should own BIM for getting the maximum benefits. The true benefits will not be realized if an engineer creates a BIM, but doesn’t share it. In that case, the design is not coordinated to the designers the constructors will not get the opportunity to model the construction digitally. As a result of which, the building owners would be left to manage the facility with loads of papers. It’s important to see that the designers share their information model, pass it to the constructors and finally hand it over to the building owner. A simple instance would be comparing BIM with a photography session. It’s true that the clients would be satisfied if they receive a printed photograph, but getting the original digital photographs would make them more contended. This is because the clients can make use of the content for future needs and can get much better value from it.
The Money Maker– Now, who are the people to maximize their return on investments from Building Information Modeling? The answer is everybody involved in the work process makes money. All the designers, contractors, engineers, architects and other workforce involved in the construction project can work more efficiently and accurately, when BIM is used. The BIM technology provides the chance to undo a mistake. If one has to draw the same window 100 times, every copy is created in the same way like the first. Moreover, if anybody has to search a specific word from a 100 page document, it can be found within a few seconds. So BIM makes the entire work process competent. Just as the CAD and the word processing systems transformed the concept of the drawing boards and typewriters way back in 1980s, BIM has similarly brought revolution to the construction industry.
It’s time to realize for everybody in the construction sector to realize the benefits of Building Information Modeling. Relying on BIM will provide you a more structured approach to data. Besides, the designers will not have to spend time on retyping data from a 2 Dimensional CAD model to Excel for making 200 door schedules. BIM implementation improves the entire construction work process in various ways, thus reducing the wastage of time, energy and money. Finally, it helps the owner of the building to manage and modify the facilities by using an exact digital model of the physical building.